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Elgin Robotics



Vancouver, BC, Canada

 Team jobs 

what our team members do
Felix Cretu
Head of Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering
Ben Zhang
Engineering Notebook Editor, Software Engineering
Tyrone He
Head of Software Engineering, Engineering Notebook Editor
Wallace Zhao
Concept designer 
Jack Zhang
Hardware Engineering
Lucas Wang
Universal assistant 
Zaim Naqvi
Financial Manager 
Notebook keeper

More of us

Know more about the game

Our rookie season's(2017) robot, "Poobear"

Our team with the "Rockwell Collins Innovate" award.

The "Rockwell Collins Innovate" award

The 2016 - 2017 season

The 2017 - 2018 season

Community outreach

-BCTF (Brirish Colombia Teachers Convention)

Our members went to the BC teacher's exhibition event; we demonstrated how this season's FTC robot functions, and we spread words about FIRST.

AAS Program (Adopt-A-Street).

Our team adopted a street for community outreach, and we plan to clean up the street twice every week.

Intro video 

New Members

Our performance in game

Wallace (On the left) is our new recruited Hardware Engineer. He also helped us a lot with his drafting skills.


Lucas (On the right) is our new recruited member for helping everybody with their jobs. He did a good job helping the hardware people building and modifying the robot



Where it all started

Sager robotics

When Felix and Tyrone were attending a robotics school in downtown Vancouver, they felt restricted and came up with the idea of creating their own club, and they became the founders of the club.



FTC 2017 champion ship 


The game is on. We went to UVIC fairly early and found our table. We sat down and prepared for our turn to play. It was a tedious day for all of us, but after all, no pain no gain; we got what hard work deserved

Hardware Software

Everything is going on the right track. The design and all the hardware parts are getting together; the software is in progress. 

Working on our robot




Mock Competition practice
This is the first time our team went for a practice competition in Victoria; we are slowly getting used to all the rules, controls, and our robot "Poobear".


First meeting of our club

Elgin Park Robotics
That's when we had our first meeting to decide how we are going to run our club. Coach Christian gave all of our team members a brief presentation about FIRST 



The 2017 season's kick off 
The new season came. We recruited two new members and went to the season starter in Victoria. We also attended a few workshops at UVic. All of us are feeling excited and prepared for a brand new challenge 


Vancouver Convention Centre

British Colombia Teacher Convention

Our team worked together with another team in FTC (Fix It!) and put on an exhibition of our new season's robot to all the teachers in BC. All of our members took shifts in the exhibition, we all felt exhausted after the convention, but we all felt like "It's worth it" 


BC League Game #1 for the 2017 Season

First league game of the season
The first game we played in the season. All of our members had a good performance, and we got a pretty good score for the game. This game really bumped our confidence up, all of us are looking forward to the next game.


The day before FTC champion ship

Final adjustment, relaxing

We went through a lot of anxiety, frustration, and desperation. Eventually, we just calmed ourselves down and relaxed; we all had a good rest and wished ourselves a good day  for the championship round


Our sponsers

Looking for sponsors

We are a new FTC team, so finding sponsors is a priority for us. Please make sure to contact us below with your email if your company is willing to sponsor us. With every request for sponsorship, we will go and visit your company and illustrate our robot to you, and establish a connection, also with each level of donation to our team, certain perks will be given. (See the perk char in our shop!)

Contact us

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